Weekly Photo Challenge: Graceful…

There is something special about being out in the desert amidst the graceful sweep of the dunes, the fluid patterns of the sand and the differing delineations as the light changes during the day.

Shot in the sand dunes of the UAE, on the edge of the Empty Quarter, close to the Saudi Border…


Travel theme: Neutral

After a little break, joining back into Ailsa’s travel theme for this week’s theme of Neutral.

My location in the Middle East is perfect for neutrality. Outside of the city, the hues of the country are neutral , but with their own tints and in my quest for seashore life of this region, shots of interesting underwater life blend into a neutral hue…


Weekly Photo Challenge: Spare

Travelling across the desert in the  Al Gharbia western region of the UAE, from White Sands to Liwa, the landscape is almost devoid of life. Occasionally small bushes break through the sand, a welcome sight contrasting to the ochre hues in this spare landscape. Not too many camels this far out into the desert either, but I did find a mother and baby….



Desert moments…

When I drive in the desert, utter calm descends over me.

Lowering the tyres to 12psi, the Pajero seamlessly floats over the surface of the sand, every dune unknown, accelerating up and over, easing the pressure as the car crests over and down the ridge.

Beautiful desert colours encompass the surroundings with sand hues ranging from pale yellow to deep ochre, offset by the cloudless blue skies.  Continue reading

Desert driving for everyone – GNFD 2016…

Every year the Gulf News, an English-language paper in Dubai, runs a fun drive in the desert during the winter.The event has been running for 30 odd years, with a route carefully planned well in advance, tickets go on sale before the event and it’s always a sellout.  Continue reading