Photo 101, Day 7: Big and Point of View


There are some really big buildings in Dubai. 

Shot on Iphone 6, edited  with Snapseed using HDR and drama filters to exaggerate the effect of buildings in this larger than life city.



Residential and office buildings in the heart of the city….


Funky design on this one…


And of course, the biggest building of all, but it is a big hassle to get close to it, so just a view from a distance…

11 comments on “Photo 101, Day 7: Big and Point of View

  1. Nice photographs! Dubai has such an interesting collection of skyscrapers. Two other cities that are equally interesting are Hong Kong and Doha. But of course there’s nothing quite like the sight of Burj Khaliffa appearing like a spike in the middle of the skyline. I love that view!


    • Thank you for commenting, glad you enjoyed the post. Dubai is a city with the most amazing modern architecture, it was a shame I was working on this assignment day and couldn’t get out and about…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, the Burj Khalifa dominates Dubai, it’s the city landmark, an amazing structure and features in a lot of my cityscapes, but it’s so busy road-wise to get close…one of these days…


  2. The editing does a lot to almost brush the edge lines into effervescent waves. In each image it seems that, as the building reaches toward the sky, its sharp edge lines begun to blur with the air. This brings out almost a palpable sense of what it must feel like to stand in the city air, staring up, growing dizzy scanning the heights in the humid heat of an afternoon. Thanks for sharing the images and your process for editing to achieve such an engaging effect.


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