Garden Challenge : April: Macros in the Garden

Home for a long weekend in Cyprus, I can finally enter into this month’s challenge. Colour everywhere in my garden, a chance to experiment with my Nikon and a Moment macro lens for iPhone 6. Sadly no tripod, I had to have a steady hand…. 

With the Nikon 7100D, using 18-300mm lens.

With the Moment macro lens for iPhone 6. Difficult to use without a tripod, but I love the ability to get the fine detail and try to make a feature of it…


Participating in Jude’s April challenge over at the earth laughs in flowers .  Head over and check out some of the amazing photographs….

13 comments on “Garden Challenge : April: Macros in the Garden

  1. Your garden must be stunning! So much colour and so many lovely flowers. Love how you captured that tiny frog, and I am very impressed by the phone shots, though I struggle to understand how you attach a lens to a phone! (I’m not very phone savvy…)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Jude, There is much colour, I’m not sure about stunning, as I am living away, there is much to be done in it. Gardens in Cyprus at this time of year are full of vivid flowers, it’s a beautiful garden time ! Lens for phone comes with a mounting case.. here is the site:


  2. How startling all that color must be after the very different landscape of the desert! And that frog! Or is it a toad? I probably should be able to tell, shouldn’t I? Beautiful photos, of course, and what pray tell is a “Moment”?

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so right, going home is fluorescent compared to the desert! It’s a lizard Kathryn Grace, it’s head just shot out as I was hovering around with a camera! “Moment” is a company who make professional lenses for the iPhone 6. I participated in crowd-funding this project ( one of many participants) as I was so interested in what they were developing and the plus factor was a huge discount on their lenses & accessories… I don’t regret that impulse at all, I’m really happy with the 3 lenses for the phone, given that iPhone 6 photographs are superb anyway, they are a perfect enhancement… here is the link for anyone who may be interested in what can be done and bought for an iPhone regarding photography…

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