Thursday Doors and CFFC: 9/6/16…. A London pub…

On the way through Soho, passing on the other side of the street, I spotted this amazing doorway to a London pub, The Salisbury in Covent Garden. 

If I’d have had the time, I would have certainly gone in for the BOGOF glasses of wine offer and taken few more shots!

Taking part in Thursday Doors, pop over and check out some different doors….

Also linking to Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge : Doors and Drawers.  Norm kindly directed us to Cee’s site… looks like more photo challenge fun!

24 comments on “Thursday Doors and CFFC: 9/6/16…. A London pub…

    • I burst out laughing when I saw your comment- yes, holy cow, it is one hell of a door…I just wish I had had the time to get more of it and inside too…Thanks Janet!


    • Thanks,Dave, Big Gilt cherubs and lot of Victorian extravaganza usually do the trick! Shame I didn’t get the chance to take up the outside one free offer, there would have been a massive pub post after a vino bogof!!

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