Monday Window: 2/1/17

Happy New Year to you all.

Home in Cyprus it’s time to search for windows locally. Thunderstorms are making the task a wet one, but I did manage to find a little gem today. Running an errand I ended up defeated by roadworks and tried to find my way out of a village via back streets and came across this tiny Byzantine church with unusual windows, which seems to have been used as a mosque according to the information below.

“The mosque in the village of Timi used to be an old Byzantine church known also as Agia Sofia.

It is single-aisled with two domes.

It is under the protection of the Antiquities Department as are all the mosques that were to be old Byzantine churches and the most significant mosques in the cities.

The walls were covered with frescoes, which were lacerated and destroyed following its conversion into a mosque. Restoration works revealed only isolated fragments, a testimony to the monument’s past.

Source: Muslim places of worship in Cyprus (Published by the Press and Information Office, Republic of Cyprus)”

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