Thursday Doors, 1/6/17, door paintings…

At the moment, I’m back in Cyprus, with the intention of clearing “stuff” from my house.

You know, that stuff that accumulates through your life, sentimental, inherited, from hobbies and just, well, stuff.

I decided to tackle my art folder. Art has followed me around all my life. Somewhere in Uk, there is even my Art college work, but that’s in my sister’s loft, so can wait, it’s not in Cyprus, so it isn’t current stuff.

Whilst trawling through old art pads I came across these door paintings I did in 1997 and 1998, 3 doors from Malta and one from Nicosia. I’ll save the Cretan door poster I bought in 1982 ( honestly) for another week!

Even then, all those years ago I was a door girl 🙂  Continue reading